Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Get Along

Many things have happened since our last encounter, little blog. St Moritz club and its extreme, retro hipsters, the weekend in Peterborough (aka hell), Thursday night bands in Camden (annoying girl in high waisted skirt, spoken word poet, and decent band with the one guy who wore makeup), a visit to Buckingham Palace, Westminster, and surrounding environs, the discovery of godlike Brick Lane Beigel Bake, followed by a visit to Jack the Ripper's rumored pub, the Ten Bells and preceded by a trip to Leigh St, home of the real Black Books. Sadly the owner was not as fun as Bernard. He was grumpy without the Irish alcoholic fun. Also stopped in at Platform 9 and 3/4 for the obligatory picture and had my first visit to Topshop (aka Mecca). Saw Slumdog Millionaire and The Reader, which were both excellent. Although I recommend seeing The Reader first, then Slumdog Millionaire to cheer you up afterward.

Then I went to Denmark and Sweden.


I went to see Val for a long weekend, starting in Copenhagen then progressing on to Malmo, Sweden on Saturday, since it's a half hour train ride across the Baltic. Malmo is the third largest city in Sweden, and home to its tallest building as well as some lovely old architecture and squares. Mamlo was followed by a visit to Andersen and Kierkegaard's graves, then an Oasis concert (which you'll be hearing about in a subsequent post). Sunday we went to see the Little Mermaid and attempted to see the changing of the guard at the Danish palace, but no one seemed to know where it was, and the Danes aren't big on useful signs for tourism. So we saw some old buildings that we didn't really know the names of, then I came home to London.

Monday saw me up bright and early to get tickets for a Franz gig (another blog entry about this one coming up). Afterward we went out for sushi and were interviewed by Radio One. We got our one second of fame, in a soundbite of us being high fived by the strange interviewer woman. Never a dull moment in London.

Today I had a nice walk down to see my building for architecture, New Scotland Yard, followed by a chocolate waffle overlooking the Thames. Honestly one of the nicest days I've had here yet; it was so relaxing to get some time to myself to do whatever I wanted.

Up for the weekend: La Durée, Tower of London, and Primark adventures with Lanette and Anitra.
In the more distant future: Spain! Santiago de Compostela! Potentially The View and The Streets in concert (undecided on The Streets), seeing the lovely James McAvoy live in the West End.

Pictures of all these things will be here later, when I feel motivated to upload them.

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